This was a NATO Meeting in Sibiu Romania in April 2009

Sibiu, Romania (here is the National Anthum-click pause when required)

Arriving at the SIBIU Airport (on the right is Ray Raymond-a fellow Canadian)

Arriving later at the hotel-it is the one in the distance-the Continental Forum

Ray standing guard (well, smoking at that time) next picture is the hotel indoor bowling alley

A view from the ground to where my window was situated.

A view from my window

A view to the right from my window

Going to see the Count Dracula Castle

And to think some Canadians complain about the quaility of the brooms


No idea what type of bird

Arrived at the Castle--notice they like to distance themselves from DRACULA to Count Bran!!

Pictures inside the castle were sparse since we were not aware that we needed to buy an upgrade entrance ticket that allowed us to take pictures!!

Now Ray and I are off to visit the country side.  Notice how small Ray looks compared to the wall at the curve in the road.

Love the colorful countryside

This is the main square in the city of Sibiu. It was just meters away from my hotel

First mentioned in 1411 as a grain market, the Great Square – the largest square in the city, has been throughout the centuries a quiet witness to the town’s lively merchant activity, assemblies and even public executions. Located in the heart of the old walled city, the square was designated an architectural monument by UNESCO and features some of the most impressive buildings in Sibiu.

Yes I had italian in Sibiu!! In fact it was at the resturant with the white parasols.

The time that I was there was during the orthodox Easter weekend. Here is a ceremony that I just was able to catch as it went by.

I thought this picture was funny. How the guy is just taking a quick glance at the girl!

At the corner with Avram Iancu Street stand the old mayor’s residence and the imposing Council Tower (Turnul Sfatului). Built in the 13-th century, this tower was used as entrance gate to the second row of fortified walls built around Sibiu. Throughout the centuries, the Council Tower served as a grain storehouse, a fire watchtower, a temporary prison and even as a museum of botany. The roof, originally built in pyramid form, has undergone various changes, culminating in the addition of four corner turrets in 1826. On the top floor, an observation deck allows a bird’s-eye view of the historic town and the Fagaras Mountains beyond.

Huet Square (Piata Huet) Huet Square is home to a mix of gothic buildings dominated by the Evangelical Cathedral (Biserica Evangelica). This impressive structure, featuring five pointed towers, was built in 1520 on the site of an old Roman basilica. The simple, stark interior is in total contrast to that of the Catholic Church. A gigantic fresco, painted by Johannes of Rosenau in 1445, covers much of the chancel's north wall. The mural shows the Crucifixion and marks a transition in painting from late-gothic style to renaissance style. On the south side, the choir loft boasts a beautiful fan-vaulted ceiling, home to a baroque organ designed by a German master in 1671. Six thousand pipes were installed in 1914, making it the largest organ in Romania.

The picture "Case Califeior" is a tradesman of old


The yellow sign indicates the residence of a doctor@!!

The Stairs Passage (Pasajul Scarilor) The 13th century Passage of Steps, an architectural masterpiece with twin staircases and archways, connects the Upper Town to the Lower Town. Built in the 13th century, it is one of the most picturesque places in Sibiu. At one end of the passage stands the city’s oldest building which now hosts the oldest restaurant in Romania, The Golden Barrel (Butoiul de Aur).

In Sibiu you can find Romania’s oldest cast-iron bridge. The Liegende Brücke(Lying bridge) had been installed in place of a wood bridge in 1859. The wood, Liars Bridge go its name from the stories and tall talk of the nearby hagglers. The new name was in vain, the unwritten tradition proved to be stronger, and the Liars Bridge kept its name. Today it’s the pride of Sibiu. On one side of the bridge you can see the date of the structure, on the other the Saxon blazon, which impictures two swords put in crossway and a crown on top of them. This meant a lot at previous times, it meant that the Saxons accepted the King of Hungary and Transylvanian monarchs’ jurisdiction.

The Romanian Orthodox Cathedral was built between 1902 and 1906. It faces the Romanian Orthodox Divinity school.

For hundreds of years, this walled town in the heart of Transylvania was one of the most powerful and prosperous strongholds in Europe. Surrounded by imposing walls, Sibiu’s original fortifications included 39 defensive towers, five bulwarks, four gates and five artillery batteries.

Although the entire network is remarkably well-preserved, the best-maintained section is the southeastern side which has been reinforced several times throughout the centuries since attacks most often came from that direction.

Three 15th century towers have withstood the test of time: Harquebusiers’ Tower (Turnul Archebuzierilor), Carpenters’ Tower (Turnul Dulgherilor) and Potters’ Tower (Turnul Olarilor). The 16-th century Great Tower (Turnul Gros) was the site of Sibiu’s first theatrical performance, staged in 1778.

The "ASTRA" Museum of Traditional Folk Civilization (Romanian: Muzeul Civilizaţiei Populare Tradiţionale "ASTRA") is located in the Dumbrava Forest, 3 km south of Sibiu, on the road towards Răşinari, and is easily accessible by car, bus or tramway. Occupying an area of 0.96 square kilometres, it is the largest open air museum in Romania and one of the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. It contains houses and workshops of the traditional Romanian folk culture from the pre-industrial era. Over 300 houses and other buildings are situated in the forest around two artificial lakes with over 10 km of walkways between them.

My hotel in Germany as I transition back to Canada. There was no direct flight or even a flight that allowed a change over.

This is an ATM

Alright, I may be in Germany but I wanted some more italian food!! Oh ya, and a beer!

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